Blom Salt Bath Bag

Aromatic – The Blom Bath Salt Bags is a wonderful natural remedy – supporting physical & emotional wellness


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Product Information

Blom Salt Bath Bag

Aromatic Salt baths are a wonderful natural remedy – supporting physical & emotional wellness.

The salts alone have many therapeutic benefits.

Himalayan, Epsom & Namibian are just some of the most popular salts. Our salt bath bag contains green clay (a beneficial detoxer) and arrowroot (which helps absorb excess oils)

The salts will change the osmotic balance of the bath water, allowing your skin to absorb more water.

Magnesium sulphate present in salts has anti-inflammatory properties & helps the body stay healthy by avoiding cellultar breakdown.

Phosphates will soften the skin & help exfoliate.

Sea salts also stimulate circulation & help to relax tense muscles.

Your bath salt soak can encourage deep relaxation & relief from stress.

How to use:

Open resealable bag and sprinkle one or two scoops (included) into your bath when running water – or add to one of the six empty mini teabags included.  The mini teabags hold the botanics and the salts are dissolved into the water without any mess or residue left in the bath

Use in a foot bath in a similar manner.

Ingredients:  Himalayan salt, coarse sea salt, epsom salt, green kaolin clay, botanics, essential oils and imported fragrance

250g Resealable stand up pouch, 10ml scoop, 6 mini bags

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