Why CBD and Pomegranate Oil for dogs?

Ginga's Canine

You have heard about our CBD and pomegranate oil, both all-natural skin health treatments that are trending big-time for humans – and now available for your canine fur child too.
These products specifically formulated for dogs came about after a very worried dog owner had exhausted other medications to heal her dog’s body sores. She started using the Balance Cape Town Pomegranate Serum on her dog and was so relieved when the skin irritations healed.
Word of mouth worked its magic and we were asked to formulate doggy-friendly treatments using both pomegranate oil and CBD as an all-natural, organic range.
We were happy to help out! And so Ginga’s Canine was launched.
Our main CBD range is called Ginga’s the Original, and the canine products are Ginga’s Canine. Our full range of CBD products can be purchased by clicking on the Shop Now button (click thru to go to Ginga’s the Original category).

Why Balance Cape Town/Ginga’s and SAACA:
We were approached by SAACA to partner with them (Southern Africa Animal Cancer Association) in supporting their fundraising initiatives.
We are offering 10% of every unit sold of either the Snout and Paw Balm, or the Skin Soother Serum to this worthy, reputable cause.
Feel free to click through to their website and see how you can make a difference too.